Pop-up: 一闪一闪亮晶晶 (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star)

Learning Chinese through songs can be easy and fun! So we thought it’d be nice to add a little activity to go along with it. This is a little pop-up booklet with the lyrics to a classic nursery rhyme in both Simplified Chinese and English. The little star’s mouth moves, too, so you can singalong!


Looking for more bilingual nursery rhymes in Chinese/English?

Yvonne Tee (aka @bilingual.kiddos on Instagram!) has written an awesome compilation of some classic nursery rhymes! The book is really lovely, with bright and colourful illustrations plus big, colour-coded text in English, Simplified Chinese and Pin…

Yvonne Tee (aka @bilingual.kiddos on Instagram!) has written an awesome compilation of some classic nursery rhymes! The book is really lovely, with bright and colourful illustrations plus big, colour-coded text in English, Simplified Chinese and Pinyin! (Trust me, this is a rare combination! Plus, it also comes with a free audio guide!)

If you’re living in the UK or Europe, check this out on our store! Otherwise, take a look at Yvonne’s website!


DIY: 红包 (Red Packet)


Word Grid: 大 and 小 (big and small)