Education: The Chinese Zodiac Story 《十二生肖的故事》

Sometimes books can tell stories in fun and exciting ways for children while teaching them a little about the Chinese culture! We’ve put together a translation of the story based on this book - to use for educational purposes! If you’re looking for a way to introduce this story to schools, translating existing books is a great way to do that!

Discover different ways to use this printable!

  • This translation follows The 12 Chinese Zodiacs and can let English-speakers read it, too! It’s great for both school and home settings - letting more people learn about the stories behind Chinese culture!

  • You can use the text here to create little story boards! Inspire creativity and engage children with the story by encouraging them to narrate it themselves with their own illustrations!


DIY: Counting to Spring (Drawing) 九九消寒图


Game: 四和十绕口令 (4 & 10 Tongue Twister)