Game: 四和十绕口令 (4 & 10 Tongue Twister)

Do you like a challenge? Time to put your Mandarin pronunciation to the test with this game! Roll the dice, say the word you’re shown, and, before you know it, your tongue’s in a twist! If you’re unlucky, you’ll have to recite the entire tongue twister - oops!



This is how it’s done!

If you’re not so sure but you’d like to give it a try, you can watch Robin teach the tongue twister! It’s not that hard at the end of the day. From slow to super quick, Robin will take you through the tongue twister step by step!

You can join our Saturday book clubs by contacting us here. These are best suited for children aged 3-6. Robin usually reads us all a book, and teaches us an activity or two (like this one!).


Education: Chinese Zodiac Story


Diagram: 杂裾垂髾服 ('Flying Swallow' Dress)